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Thank God for the Pain

Updated: Feb 24, 2020

Are you holding on to the negative memories from the past? Do you ever wonder why God would allow you to go through these bad times? I know I felt this way many times in my life. There were times I would get so angry with God that I would question my faith. I never understood why bad things always happened to good people. The breakups, the disappointments, the let downs. As time went on I started to realize what was happening to me. Each negative experience taught me what not to do in my next relationship, it taught me what not to expect in certain friendships and it taught me to focus on what I could do better in the next situation. Had I not gone through these painful moments there would be no way to know what the good moments are. With everything in life you need a comparison. How would you know if a job is no good for you, until you actually work there and see that it was a bad fit. With that experience, now you have something to compare new workplace to. In life you have to have the good and the bad. We never want to focus on the pain but sometimes we have to thank God for the pain and know that he was using it as a lesson. Here at Girl Take A Chance we embrace the pain. We don't hide it or cover it up. We share our experiences and we move forward. The pain brings us experience and makes us stronger. We use the pain as a roadmap to get us to our destination and by the time we reach our destination, we are conquerors and are able to take on the world. We make better life choices and better decisions. So I gladly say, THANK GOD FOR THE PAIN, because pain gives us experience.

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