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Protect Your Peace

Updated: Feb 24, 2020

Our peace is the most important thing you can have in life. The power of peace allows you to navigate through life without getting thrown off track. Your peace gives you the ability to be the best version of you. But what happens when your peace is disturbed? When that friend of yours who always has drama decides to call you. What about that relative who never has anything nice to say about anyone? The relationship that you know is toxic but you can't leave. When you lose your peace, you lose your ability to reach your full potential. For many years I lived alone. Some would probably say that I was lonely, but I found this time to myself as a blessing. I would go to work, come home and recharge, with no interruptions. When I got home, I had the opportunity to reset my mind and tune out the negative things I heard or witnessed throughout the day. A lot of what we see and hear doesn't directly affect us, but if we aren't careful we can carry these things around with us unknowingly.

Have you ever been in a good mood and all of a sudden someone walks into your presence upset? Immediately your focus changes and you start talking to them. If it's a sad conversation, then you become sad. If it's an angry conversation, then you become angry. Although it's not your situation, you're in an environment where their issues can affect you. We must learn to tune out the noise and not internalize their issues. If it becomes a problem that's really affecting you, then step away from the relationship, whether it be for a short time or permanently. We must be careful with what we watch, what we listen to and where we go. Every day spent here on earth should be a peaceful one. We have to be careful with the things that we feed our mind and spirit. Make sure that after a long day of being surrounded by noise, you take time to release that energy and hit the reset button. You owe it to yourself to be the greatest version of yourself that you can be.

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