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I Quit My Job

Updated: Feb 24, 2020

So you wanted to quit your job and the day finally came. You couldn't stand your boss. Your work hours were too long. The work they gave you was too difficult. Your company didn't value your skills. Someone told you that you were going to be laid off. Whatever the case may have been, you left the building. So what now? Do you wallow in your own self pity? Blame yourself? Make excuses? The answer is a real simple one. You smile, throw your hands in the air and you give God thanks. You make peace with your decision and move on. Despite what anyone says, you walked away for a reason. Now it's time to formulate a game plan and get back out there. What do you really want to do? Is it time for a career change? These were some of the questions I asked myself when I suddenly quit my job after 17 years. No one understood it and people thought I was insane. But I knew there was something waiting for me on the other side. I didn't want to be a human machine anymore. I wanted to use my skills to make a difference in this world. I didn't necessarily see the whole staircase but I took the first step. I wish I could tell you that I wasn't afraid but I was. However, God is good to those who take a leap of faith and he will be good to you. Listen to my story of how I quit my job at:


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