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How to Overcome Procrastination

Updated: Feb 24, 2020

How often do you hit the snooze button in the morning? What about not taking those steps towards following your dreams? How about committing to a gym membership but never showing up? Those “I’ll do it later” moments we all experience at some point. In college, I was the queen of procrastination. If my professor said an assignment was due at midnight, I wasn’t turning my paper in until 11:59 pm. Even though I knew about the assignment for at least a week, I would always find some reason to put it off. A new Netflix series that I couldn’t resist the urge to binge watch because I lacked motivation. Some tasks can feel heavy and you can easily overwhelmed. However, some people avoid their obligations to a point where it causes emotional stress. So here’s the big question, how do you find the motivation to get those not so fun tasks completed? I have a short guide to help us procrastinators procrastinate less.

Organizing is Key

Keep a to-do list. This will keep you from “accidentally” forgetting about the things you need to get done. Make sure you tackle each task during the best time of the day. I’m a night owl, so getting things done at night is best for me. Find out what’s best for you. If you have a task that seems too large, break it up so you’re not struggling to get it done all at once.

No Distractions

In the age of social media, I would be a liar if I didn’t mention that I spend way too much time scrolling down my timeline laughing at memes and videos throughout the day. Turn your phone on do not disturb, find a nice quiet place, and focus on starting the task. You’ll thank yourself later when you knock out the task faster because of it.

Reward Yourself

I don’t know about you but I like incentives. It’s a great way to motivate yourself to get something done. Once you finish a difficult task, there is nothing better than having a glass of wine, a bowl of your favorite ice cream, or ordering takeout from your favorite restaurant. When I complete a task, I always feel accomplished and having that extra treat waiting for me to finish just makes it all worth it.

Don’t be so hard on yourself; you’re only human. A lot of times we are afraid to fail so we find excuses to not get things done. We can be our biggest critics, and it’s unfair. Be your biggest cheerleader, believe in yourself and the capability to face any challenge big or small. When you give your all, there is no room for failure, only learning experiences.

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