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How to Let Go of Negativity

Updated: Feb 24, 2020

Do you have a hard time forgetting painful emotions from your past? Have you allowed your negative thoughts to turn into actions? Do you envy those who seem to have it all together on social media? I’m sure at one point some of us may have negativity rearing its ugly head. There was a time where I had a negative outlook on my life. I thought the world was out to get me. I had toxic friendships with women I considered my sisters. I was in love and too young to understand that loving someone else without loving yourself is impossible. I was battling depression and trying to make sense of it all. Even though I have grown, not allowing negativity to cause a barrier is challenging. Here are some things I follow to clear my life from unwanted stress and negativity.

Don’t Settle For Less. A lot of the negativity that we encounter is because of our choices. No one can treat you anyway unless you allow it. People often get warped into toxic relationships and find themselves stuck. Don’t allow anyone to come into your life and give you less than what you deserve. Do you have someone who you give to but all they do is take? Know of who and what drains your energy. Cut them out accordingly like a weed in the grass. Trust me, it’ll be worth it. Allow yourself the companionship of people who want to be there for you. Surround yourself with people who love your flaws even if you don't. Don’t be afraid to go out and get what you want. Sometimes the only person stopping you is you.

Let Go of The Past. It’s always easier said than done but it’s vital in your way of handling your emotions. Are you harboring any pain from your childhood? Did someone leave your life on bad terms and you never got closure? These are some things that can hinder our willingness to look forward. Instead of dwelling on the pain, focus on what you can learn from that experience. It will help you change your perspective. You will become wiser and stronger once you have moved on. Forgiveness is key. Forgiving someone does not mean you condone what they have said or done. It is important in order for you to feel free. It is less about what the person did and more about you taking back control. “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice can’t put the blame on you” J. Cole said that, and it is words I have always lived by.

Lastly, Focus on YOU. Do you put others before yourself? Do you compare yourself to what others are doing on social media or maybe even your friends? Have you felt jealousy? These are all common things that can happen without us even noticing. When I put myself first, I compete with no one but myself. Your life and your path is all in God’s timing. What’s meant for you is already in the works. Don’t allow yourself to focus on what someone else is trying to accomplish. There is enough success for everyone to go around. Be patient, love yourself, and work hard towards your goals. When it’s your time, you will look back and appreciate that you took the time to invest in yourself.

I still have a lot of work to do on myself. I’m sure we all do. What’s important is understanding your emotions, facing them head on, and never looking back; always forward.


Article written by Shamekia J. Jamison

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