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God's Perfect Timing

Updated: Feb 24, 2020

You ever feel as if you aren't good enough? You ever stop and look around you and see everyone moving forward in life? Your friends are getting married, people in your age range are having babies, people are moving forward but yet you are stuck. You look at your life and wonder why you haven't been dealt the same hand. Would you believe me if I told you that what God has for you, cannot come in your time? Would you believe me if I told you that there is a hidden alarm inside of you that will go off at the right time? If your blessings come when you aren't ready then you will not be able to sustain them. Are you ready for marriage? Perhaps God is training you so when you do meet your husband you will know how to value marriage.

I used to ask myself a lot of the same questions and it made me upset. I now realize that the waiting period was just as important as receiving the actual blessing. In the wait period I got to spend time with myself, learn to live on my own and mature into the woman that God wanted me to be. At times it was extremely difficult but looking back on it, I realize that I was in training. God was preparing me for all of the blessings I wanted. Not only was I establishing myself, but I was also learning how to have patience. During that time he was changing my heart. He made me more compassionate and understanding, he made me more experienced in my career and he used the trials and tribulations to train me. I learned how to handle pain and not make more of the same bad decisions. He did a work in me that I could not have done myself. If I had received the blessings too soon, I wouldn't have appreciated them. God doesn't use the bad times to hurt us, he uses the bad times to train us. I never again want to move on my own time. God's perfect timing is much better than mine and will allow me to appreciate everything he gives me. God's time is the perfect time.

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