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Creating the Life You Want

“Stop creating a life that you need a vacation from. Instead move to where you want to live, do what you want to do, start what you want to start and create a life you want today. This isn’t a rehearsal people. This is YOUR life.” A quote by Dale Patridge. How often have you felt like you’re not living the life that is meant for you? How often are you unhappy because you are just existing and not living life to your full potential? I have been there, in fact, I still have those days. It’s not easy getting up and walking in the purpose that is set for you. We can all achieve the life that we want no matter what it is. Stay true to yourself in this journey of self-fulfillment. Here are some steps that will lead you in the right direction on your own special path to walking in your truth.

Figure Out Your Purpose. I believe we all have a purpose that we are given when we enter this world. Some know from young while others need life experience before they find their calling. Make sure you listen and pay attention to the signs. You can always look to others in your life to help guide you. The key is to have self-awareness. The ability to understand your behavioral patterns, likes, dislikes and everything in between can help. Understanding who you are and where you have been will only aid you in where you are going.

Hold the Vision. When you visualize your dreams, you start to help manifest it into reality. People tend to forget that the mind is a powerful thing. See the person you wish to be. This will help you become that person. When you start using terms like “I can’t” or “This is hard” your mind picks up on that. If you don’t believe what you want is possible, it will not happen!

Embrace Change. Creating the life you want will not happen if you’re stagnant in your life. There must be a level of willingness to get out of your comfort zone. You have to work towards the life you want and that will not come easy. You will have setbacks, some minor, and some big. The door will not always open when and how you want it to. You have to be resilient and persistent in your pursuit. Never give up because what’s meant for you will always be for you. I learned throughout life that God does not give you more than you can handle. When the time is right, you will be able to look back on your journey and realize why so many doors closed for you in the first place. You will realize that each closed door paved the way for a better opportunity.

Set Goals, Not Fear. Fear should not be a word in your vocabulary. It’s okay to fail, your bounce back is what truly speaks to your character. Failure does not define you, don’t allow it to disrupt your perspective on who you are. Setting goals will keep you on the right track. Sticking to the goals you set is how you will accomplish them. You have to break old habits and sometimes stray away from your day to day normal routine. Take risks and don’t be afraid to put yourself first. In this journey, there is no room to focus on what someone else is doing. Give yourself all your attention and watch how things unfold in your favor.

Trust the process. Creating the life you want will not happen overnight. It will take time and dedication. Some days will be better than others, but there will always be better days. Focus on the positive and don’t allow negativity to deter you from your goals and dreams. Remember the cliche saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” it’s just as true for your life journey. Who you are vs who you are going to become will be a journey worth the ride. Don’t be afraid to search for your passions. Pay attention to what keeps you up at night. Where do you go when your mind drifts off and you lose touch with reality? Embrace what the universe is trying to tell you. Go out there and be who you were born to be. Be unapologetically you and you’ll never have any regrets.


Article written by Shamekia J. Jamison

(Blogger for Girl Take A Chance, LLC)

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