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Balancing Social Distancing - COVID-19

The end of 2019 took us all by surprise. Covid-19 (previously know as the Coronoavirus) has taken this nation to almost a standstill in a matter of just a few months. Businesses and schools have closed. Most jobs are allowing their workers to work from home. Sadly, people are losing their jobs or still being forced to commute during this pandemic. Important events such as baby showers or weddings are being postponed or canceled. Our day-to-day norm is being uprooted and turned upside down. If you’re anxious or sad, that is normal. People are mass buying groceries, home, and baby essentials. If you’re a homebody like I am even you don’t enjoy being cooped up in the house with limited travel for only essentials. We can’t ignore how vital it is to ensure that we are social distancing to help prevent even more cases of the virus spreading. We need to help lower the number of cases so that hospitals can effectively and efficiently deal with the patients who already have it. If hospitals reach capacity, people will not get the proper attention they desperately need. It can be scary, but this is not the time to allow ourselves to focus on the negativity. This is the time to focus on things that will help us get through social distancing. This is a quick guide to help you enjoy being home a little more than you did yesterday.

Spend Time With Family. I know this may be inevitable for some but, hear me out. We are normally busy with work, school, and the gym as we commute to and from our daily destinations. We lose time that could be with family. Take this time to expand your relationships with your family members on a deeper level. You may find out new things you didn’t know about them or maybe you have more things in common than you thought. If you have children do things they love while sharing parts of yourself with them. Teach your children new skills they can’t learn in your average classroom. If you’re single or live on your own, video chat with your family as much as possible. Enjoy this time with loved ones before we are all back to our regularly scheduled program. It takes one minute to call someone to say “Hey, I love you.” and it honestly means more than you think.

Go Virtual! So you can’t spend time with your friends which sucks, but that means it’s just time to get creative! Maybe you’re used to happy hour with the girls or meeting up to eat at your favorite restaurants. Get all the girls together for a group video chat, put the pajamas to the side, put on a shirt, a little makeup (if you’re into that) you can all have your favorite drinks (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) play games, gossip, laugh and just enjoy your time as if you were all in the same room. And for the fellas, I’m sure most of you are already playing COD, GTA V, or NBA 2K20 with your friends so you didn’t need any help with this one.

Self Care is important during this time. When work or school has you stressed out, you tend to not find time for yourself. Take this time to focus on skincare, take more bubble baths, read that book, start an at-home gym routine to burn some energy, and sleep! Now is the time to catch up on all the sleep you don’t normally get. Don’t be afraid to try something new and learn a new skill. Ladies, try doing your own manicure and pedicures. Men, try giving yourself a haircut until you can go see your barber. In the long run, it can save you money and it’ll be a new skill under your belt. I’m focusing on skincare even though my skin just doesn’t seem to care, I’m working on it!

Binge, Binge, and More Binge! Okay, so this is literally the best time to binge any streaming service series or movies. You’ve spent time with friends and family virtually, you have a new self-care routine down packed, and maybe you even learned a new skill. Now it’s time to get engulfed into your favorite genre on television. I recently binged “You” on Netflix if you’re into psychological thrillers. No matter what you’re into, grab a snack and have fun!

These are hard times and we at Girl Take A Chance are keeping everyone in our prayers. Social distance yourself, and when you have to go outside, stay 6 feet apart from other individuals. Use hand sanitizer, if you can’t find anY you can make your own using isopropyl or rubbing alcohol, aloe vera gel, and an essential oil like lavender. ALWAYS wash your hands and don’t touch your face. Stay safe everyone!


Article written by Shamekia J. Jamison

(Blogger for Girl Take A Chance, LLC)

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