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Ask Big!

Updated: Feb 24, 2020

There were many times in my life where I would ask God for things such as a new job opportunity, a material item or for a relationship. Thankfully, God would hear me and answer my prayers. What I thought was a big request for him was nothing to someone who created the heavens and earth. Even if it took some time, I would get exactly what I wanted and for that I'm so thankful. But what if you're limiting yourself with your prayers? What if you're so closed-minded that you don't see anything bigger than what you asked for? Have you ever been afraid to ask God for something huge but felt guilty? This is something I struggle with regularly, but I want to share something that I am learning. We are all children of God and he is the best provider ever. We were not put on this earth to be in need and I believe that God wants us to ask him for the big things in faith. Things that we can't do on our own. Things that no one would ever believe. In the bible Jesus says " Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you." Jesus also says " "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

Okay, it happened. I got the HUGE blessing!! SO NOW WHAT?

A lot of times we get the blessing and we think it's our own doing. Once God works his miracles, we take all of the credit. We tell people that we worked hard and we deserve this opportunity. But did they see you in prayer talking to God? Did they see you crying and asking him to work a miracle? No. When these miracles happen, we should give all the credit to God because he gave us something that was too big for us to accomplish on our own. Man himself couldn't even open the door that God opened. All God wants in return for such a huge blessing is your faithfulness to him and the recognition. Sounds like a small thing to do for such a huge blessing. Most gifts come with large price tags, but His gifts are free and everlasting!! Today let's ask for HUGE blessings. Instead of asking for a job, let's ask for a long-term career! Instead of asking for a place to live, let's ask for a beautiful house on the street of your choice! I'm living proof that God isn't in the business of giving small gifts. He wants his faithful servants to ASK BIG! Today we CLAIM IT!! Let's allow God to work a miracle in our lives and give him all the credit he deserves.

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